Since last weekend was Mother’s Day, it felt like the perfect time to use the Divine Feminine Oracle for the Three Card Draw.
This deck by Meggan Watterson, depicts saints, mystics, gurus, and goddesses from the world religions who represent both divine beings and the human women who sought to embody them. They are beautiful and inspirational cards.
So please choose which of the three that you feel most drawn to today.
Are you ready for the reveal?
Do you have a DF in mind?
Card 1 – Rita of Cascia
The Patroness of Impossible Causes
I am miraculous. My prayers create powerful channels of possibility.
Picking this card is your reminder that miracles can happen at any time, in any place. Saint Rita wants you to understand that you don’t need to suffer or play the martyr. You should not stay in any situation that creates ongoing suffering for you. Whether that’s a relationship, a job, or even a family member who causes you misery, it is ok to put yourself first and walk away.
So if you are in any type of situation that seems hopeless at the moment, don’t give up – you are NOT an impossible cause. And if things really feel stuck or you’re in despair, call on the energy of this card to help you through.
Saint Rita wants you to know that anything is possible. Just because you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. The Universe works in mysterious ways. If you picked this card and things seem dark right now, please don’t give up.
This card is also a reminder that everyone and every situation is ultimately forgivable – because forgiveness is about freeing ourselves. And – friendly reminder – you can forgive from a distance
Saint Rita really wants you to believe in – and ask for – miracles. They’re everywhere.
Card 2 – Freyja
The Goddess of Discernment
I spend my time wisely. I only say yes when it’s a holy hell yes.
When was the last time you said “Holy Hell, YES” to anything in life?
Freya embodies the fierce and finely honed spiritual skill of discerning the most life-giving choice in each moment. In Norse mythology, Freya is one of the most powerful and important deities.
Discernment is a spiritual power that allows you to distinguish between what will help you or what will harm you. It lets us discern when a phone call, an email, or a visit from a friend is going to add to our day or completely derail it. Discernment is the difference between feeling led by the day – pulled this way and that – and claiming it.
Our time, in this lifetime, is limited. Every second is significant. Freyja wants us to be discerning with how we choose to spend our time and who we choose to love. She want us to never ever say yes to anyone or anything from a place of fear or obligation.
You get to choose the life you want to live. It’s not your business to worry about those you may disappoint. You were not made to meet everyone’s expectations of you. You were made to express the truth of who you are and to use the brief time you have here to live out your potential.
Freya wants you to unapologetically choose the life you want to live. Right now.
Card 3 – Saraswati
The Goddess of Self Knowledge
The essence of who I am flows effortlessly into everything I create.
Saraswati represents knowing yourself and using that knowledge for creativity and self-expression. When we’re aligned with our Higher Selves, what needs to be communicated through us – whether that’s words, music, artwork, etc. – is easily expressed. When we feel stressed, blocked, or bored, that’s a sure sign that we’re not in tune with our creative energies.
Life is a process of creation and Saraswati is here to remind us that the more we connect to our inner nature – whether that’s through meditation, yoga, time in nature, hot baths – the more we allow divine wisdom to flow. It amazes me how many brilliant ideas now pop into my head when I sit to meditate. When you can take a moment to slow or stop the over-analytical thoughts that run through your head, you’ll be surprised at the energy that arrives to take its place.
And if you feel drawn to a creative endeavor, follow it! And remember that creation in and of itself is the point. Meaning that it doesn’t matter if you’re not the greatest painter, author, musician, or gardener that ever lived. Create for the pure joy of the process. Our creations are not to be judged on popularity but on their power to bring peace and ease to our lives.
Saraswati wants us to return to the essence of our true selves. The energy of this card is a call for more self knowledge, more awareness of our own unique soul and what our needs are in this moment.
Awareness is everything. Start paying close attention to what you really want in life.