This weekend’s Three Card Draw comes from the Energy Oracle Deck, one of my favorites.  Take a moment, center yourself, and choose a card.

Deep breath.

Which card is calling you today?

Have you decided?

Ok, the reveal is below……

Keep scrolling 🙂

Card 1 – Angel Of Love

This is a beautiful card that brings you brings a message of compassion and affection. If you’re looking for a new romantic relationship, this Angel assures you of its upcoming approach. If you are wishing for a deeper, more intimate connection with someone already in your life, this card is a very good indication that this relationship will become stronger.

Love and romance are definitely highlighted by the appearance of this card.

That being said, it’s also important to remember that your first intention for love and compassion should be directed inward, and the compassion that you demonstrate towards yourself will influence the energetic potential of these events in a significant way. So if you want that new relationship to appear in your life even faster, take the time to invest in yourself – practice self-love, work on releasing past issues, make yourself a priority. I read cards for enough of you to know that this is not something that comes naturally to you!! Let me say it again – make yourself a priority. I know you’re busy but finding time for yourself, finding your own joy and inner peace, will work wonders in your life. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary.

But for today, just know that the Angel of Love is smiling on you and pulling strings for you energetically – you can trust that.

Card 2 – Appreciation

Ok, so this one is easy! Be grateful. That’s simple enough, right?

I retweeted this expression years ago – I don’t know who to credit it to – but it said, “If you don’t think you have anything to be grateful for, check your pulse.”

At the end of the day, it really is the little things. And if you make a habit of listing to yourself all the little things to appreciate in everyday life, you might find yourself amazed with how that list grows. Here’s the thing – the more you find to appreciate, the more the Universe will send you to be grateful for. This is EXACTLY how it works.

This card also wants you to know that there’s some additional blessings on the horizon for you – things that you haven’t seen or anticipated yet. Congratulate yourself for every moment that you choose appreciation. This decision to shift your consciousness from one of lack to one of value will bring more worth and wishes to you.

Card 3 – Yin/Yang

This is a lovely card – the Yin/Yang symbol holds its roots in Taoism/Daoism, a Chinese religion and philosophy. Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary forces that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts.

This card is all about balance. The card represents energy moving into or out of your experience. In the upright position it represents a Yin cycle, where the action seems to be happening under the surface of things. This card invites you to relax and allow. This is not a card of action, but a card of receptivity. Sit still and allow what you want to come to you.

External circumstances may be forcing you to go within and examine what’s happening in your life. It’s an especially good time for completion, so wrap things up – if there are people or situations in your life that have served their purpose, accept this and allow closure to happen. You won’t even have to do anything – Yin Cycles call you to be passive, yielding, and reflective, so open up to those sides of your nature.

This card says that now is a time for “being” more than a time for “acting.”

Have I recommended meditation lately? ? Yin cycles love meditation.


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