So this weekend’s Three Card Draw is coming from Psychic Oracle Tarot Deck (the title probably gave that away, huh?)
As always, with all these types of things, take whatever resonates and leave what doesn’t. This exercise is supposed to be fun and helpful. If a card doesn’t make sense to you – or resonate with your life – then it’s not your card. That’s all 🙂
So take a moment, take a breath, and pick a card.
1, 2 or 3.
Are you ready?
The reveal is below.
Scroll down……
Keep scrolling…..
I’m just trying to give you as much time as possible to pick your card!!
Card 1 – Disruption
This card corresponds to The Tower card in Tarot, so it generally means a sudden disruption or major change is happening in your life. Or is about to happen in your life.
When this card appears, it’s usually a warning to expect the unexpected. And it’s generally not a positive occurrence – think upheaval, destruction, chaos. For example, if you got fired unexpectedly, if your partner wants a divorce, if your doctor’s office calls you in with bad test results, those are Tower moments. Car accidents, natural disasters, even a Snowmaggedon State of Emergency fall under this card. (I am NOT predicting another snowstorm, it’s just an example!)
Just when you think you’re safe, you’re comfortable, you’re relaxing into your life, a Tower moment can hit and throw you for a loop. None of us can escape this card. No one gets an undisrupted path through life.
While this card has negative connotations, Disruption does not have to be a bad thing!! One of my friends is moving out of province – and while she’s very excited about that, it’s still a major life disruption. Make sense?
When it actually is a negative experience though, it could still lead to enlightenment or a shift in your lifestyle or energy for the better.
What I love about this card is this phrase, taken exactly from the book – “Life has a habit of moving you forward, whether you’re ready or not.” So I hope you can take this Disruption, whatever it might be, as a way to accelerate your growth and evolution.
Card 2 – Solitude
Ok guys, this is a very self explanatory card and so it shouldn’t require a long drawn out explanation but you all I’m wordy, so here goes….
You need to stop and take a breath. You need to find some quiet time and connect. If there’s a situation in your life that’s causing you stress or frustration, the answers you’re looking for, the peace that you’re seeking, is found within.
Not in bitch sessions with your friends, your favorite bottle of red, or even therapy. (If you know me, you know I’m a fan of all three of those things – I’ve even indulged in all of them this past weekend – so that’s not a slight whatsoever). I guess what this card means to me is that while there’s plenty of well-meaning advice and guidance and in some cases, crutches, out there, sometimes you already KNOW. Deep in your gut or your heart or wherever it is you feel like you get this knowing, it’s there. It’s inside, not outside. This card is about making the time to access that knowing.
I won’t preach about meditation again, but as these types of cards seem to pop up every weekend, I feel like the Universe is begging some of you to find a way to meditate. Enough said.
Maybe it’s not solitude that you need, maybe it’s nature. Maybe’s it’s snowmobiling, snowshoeing, skiing – I don’t know what people do outdoors this time of year as I don’t like to go outside when it’s cold, but perhaps you need to do something like that. What sustains your soul??? Take a moment and spend some time figuring that out and then make a point of being in a moment doing exactly that.
This card corresponds to The Hermit in the Tarot deck so it’s all about introspection and going within. This card strongly encourages both!!
Card 3 – Memories of Love
This card corresponds to the Six of Hearts or Cups in Tarot decks and I always see it as a representative of the past. Nostalgia. Walking down memory lane. This card takes you back to happy memories from the past.
Might you run into or hear from an old friend or lover this week? Are you traveling back to your childhood home? Planning a high school reunion? Will a long forgotten childhood memory get somehow triggered? It might even mean reconnecting with a habit or activity from your youth. However this card finds you, it’s very positive and nostalgic.
This card also encourages you to get in touch with your Inner Child (I know, I know, you thought I wouldn’t be able to go all spiritual with this one, but here we are). Remember when life was fun? When someone else was paying the bills and being the adult, and you had all this freedom and innocence?? Yeah, me neither. But it happened!!
When was the last time you danced like no one was watching? Sang karaoke with an eight year old who
didn’t care that your voice sucks? This card wants you to give yourself
permission to be playful, spontaneous, and creative. And laugh more. Laugh lots.
This will help you connect with your authentic self, and that’s always a
good thing!