This Three Card Draw comes from the Sacred Traveler Oracle cards. 

If you’d like a little insight into what the upcoming week might have in store for you, take a moment, take a deep calming breath, and choose a card.
Have you selected your card?
Are you ready?
Reveal below…….

Card 1 – Fogged In
“Go slow, take time.”

This card recommends that even if you can’t see what’s around the next corner, it’s safe to go forward.  That being said – take your time.  Move ahead slowly and gently.  We’ve all heard about how fools rush in, right?  This is not the time to be the fool.  When you move slowly, you might even see things that you’d miss if you’re rushing in.
The more you can step into stillness right now, the better.  (Meditation, anyone?)  You’re the tortoise – slow and steady will win this race for you.
You know, I generally encourage people to always listen to their first instinct – I talk to a lot of people about learning how to trust their gut and it’s always about that first instinct – but if you chose this card, you should go another way with that.  You’re strongly encouraged to take time to tune in to your deeper intuition.  Again, think ‘slow’.  Think ‘allow’. Think ‘breathe’.  Do that instead.
Louise Hay (if you don’t know that name, look her up!!) said that the point of power is always in the present moment.  It really is all we have, and all we’ll ever have. So relax into it.  Especially if you’re feeling a little uncertain, a little lost in the fog.  It’s in the moments when you can’t really see the path ahead that you MOST need to trust that the way will appear.  Sometimes it’s when we’re most unsure that incredibly profound insights and answers can come.
The gist of Fogged In is this – proceed with caution and listen closely to your inner voice.  You got this.

Card 2 – Miracles
“Expect the wondrous to emerge.”

This is a beautiful card that wants you to know that just around the bend, a miracle is waiting to happen.  So despite what might be happening in your life right now and despite the fact that you might find that really hard to believe…..if you picked Card 2, keep your eyes open!
In fact, the more you can release your doubts, fears and uncertainties, the easier it will be for miracles to unfold for you. However you can, work to let go of suffering and expectations.
This card is a sign that everything is happening for your highest good.  If you really don’t feel that way today – if life just somehow sucks today – then maybe you picked this card because you need to know that there is still magic and miracles on the horizon for you.  Some of this could even appear in an unlikely form or come from an unlikely source.  There are surprises ahead for you, I’m sure of that.
This card recommends that you expect miracles in your life.  And remember – what is expected tends to be realized. The more you become aware of – and express gratitude for – the small winks from the Universe in your life, the more frequently they will show up and will even expand into bigger, more positive manifestations.  Celebrate every sign or message that appears, no matter how insignificant it might seem.
If you’re driving with me and I see a license plate that has repeating numbers or some sequence that’s significant to me, you know I’m squealing about it.  Or if a certain song comes on the radio at JUST the right time……or if I’m thinking about you and then you text me.  Little things like that.
We all have those moments, don’t we?  But are we squealing, you guys?!!
Acknowledge the little things – celebrate them – and watch the magic happen

Card 3 – In the Flow
“Everything is smooth sailing.”

This is a very encouraging card that wants you to relax and let go of the shore.  Everything in your life is unfolding perfectly and with good timing – even if it doesn’t always feel that way!  This card is all about trusting the process and flowing around any obstacle that might appear in your path.   The more you accept what’s happening and not resist the flow of life, things fall into place.  This is a time to simply enjoy the ride.
This card is all about letting go of control.  If there is a situation in your life that isn’t falling into place – no matter how much you want it to or how hard you’re trying to make it work – let it go.  Let. It. Go.
Accept that it’s just not the right time for what you want right now.  And then let THAT be ok.  This card is all about moving with the currents, not against them.
This card also wants you to know that you don’t have to do it all yourself. There is much support around you – from friends, family, colleagues, and especially, the Universe.
This card is also a friendly reminder to not be judgmental or self-critical. There is nothing flow-y about that kind of negative energy.  It’s very sabotaging and will only slow you down.  So pay careful attention to your self-talk in the days and weeks ahead.  It matters so much more that you realize.  Be very kind, patient, and gentle with yourself.
Just go with the flow.

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